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Header <boost/itl/set.hpp>

namespace boost {
  namespace itl {
    template<typename DomainT , 
             ITL_COMPARE Compare = ITL_COMPARE_INSTANCE(std::less, DomainT), 
             ITL_ALLOC Alloc = std::allocator> 
      class set;

    template<class Type > struct is_set<itl::set< Type >>;
    template<class Type > struct is_interval_container<itl::set< Type >>;
    template<class Type > struct is_interval_splitter<itl::set< Type >>;
    template<class Type > struct absorbs_neutrons<itl::set< Type >>;
    template<class Type > struct is_total<itl::set< Type >>;
    template<class Type > struct type_to_string<itl::set< Type >>;
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool operator==(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &, 
                      const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool operator!=(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & lhs, 
                      const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & rhs);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool is_element_equal(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &, 
                            const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool operator<(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &, 
                     const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool operator>(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & lhs, 
                     const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & rhs);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool operator<=(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &, 
                      const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool operator>=(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & lhs, 
                      const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & rhs);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator+=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator+(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator+(const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand, 
                itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object);

    // Add a set operand to set object. 
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator+=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator+(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator|=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator|(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator|(const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand, 
                itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object);

    // Add a set operand to this set . 
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator|=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator|(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator-=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator-(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);

    // Subtract a set x2 from this set. 
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator-=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator-(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator&=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator&(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator&(const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand, 
                itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator&=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &, 
                 const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator&(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<class DomainT , class CodomainT , class Traits , 
             ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_COMBINE Combine, ITL_SECTION Section, 
             ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool intersects(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                      const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & element);
    template<class DomainT , class CodomainT , class Traits , 
             ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_COMBINE Combine, ITL_SECTION Section, 
             ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool intersects(const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & element, 
                      const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      bool intersects(const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & left, 
                      const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & right);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator^=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
                 const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator^(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator^(const typename itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc >::element_type & operand, 
                itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      operator^=(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &, 
                 const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > &);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > 
      operator^(itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > object, 
                const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      insert(set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
             const set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<typename DomainT , ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & 
      erase(set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object, 
            const set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & operand);
    template<class CharType , class CharTraits , class DomainT , 
             ITL_COMPARE Compare, ITL_ALLOC Alloc> 
      std::basic_ostream< CharType, CharTraits > & 
      operator<<(std::basic_ostream< CharType, CharTraits > & stream, 
                 const itl::set< DomainT, Compare, Alloc > & object);
